Inland Liver Transplant Observership

Application process

  1. This program is open for post graduates in surgery, medicine, anesthesia and related specialties such as pediatrics, critical care, pathology and radiology who would like to explore liver transplantation as a career choice.
  2. The program facilitates a period of observership for a trainee in a liver transplant unit for 1-4 weeks duration.
  3. The trainee should apply for permission from his/her current trainer/ employer for study leave for the full duration of the observership.
  4. The trainee should identify a center where he/she wants to do the observership and contact the lead clinician incharge of the program. LTSI can help identify centers who are willing to accept observers.
  5. Acceptance of a trainee for observership is upto the Transplant center and is not the responsibility of the LTSI.
  6. Once approval from both the current employer and the transplant unit has been received, the candidate should apply to the LTSI secretary. Application should include a completed application form, CV, candidate’s expected outcomes from the observership, confirmation of study leave and acceptance by the transplant center.
  7. Once the LTSI executive has approved the fellowship, the candidate can proceed with the observership.
  8. At the end of the observership and not later than 3 months, the candidate should provide a 1000 word summary of his/her experience.
  9. On receipt of the completion certificate from the Transplant center and the trainee’s review, LTSI will reimburse the expenses of the observership upto a maximum of INR 10,000 and certify that the trainee has completed a LTSI accredited Observership in the pertinent specialty.
  10. The candidate is responsible for the travel, accommodation costs, center observation fees and any additional costs incurred during the process.

Candidate Intake Process



The candidate submits their application directly to the individual program.



The program conducts an interview to evaluate the candidate's qualifications and suitability.


Candidate Information Submission

The program forwards the selected candidate's details to the LTSI Education and Fellowship Task Force Chair for further review.


LTSI Review and

The LTSI evaluates the candidate's eligibility and provides final approval for the fellowship.



Upon approval, the program issues an official acceptance letter to the candidate.

Fellowship Application Form

Personal Information

Education Details

Employment Details

Previous Employment

When do you plan to start?
Upload Documents
Statement of Purpose
Curriculum Vitae
Degree Certificate