Education & Fellowship


  1. Standardization of Fellowship Programs: Develop and implement comprehensive training curricula, assessment protocols, and certification criteria for liver transplant fellows.
  2. Capacity Building: Increase the number of trained transplant specialists by supporting institutions to become accredited training centers.
  3. Skill Development: Organize workshops, hands-on training sessions, and simulation-based learning opportunities.
  4. Educational Resources: Create and disseminate guidelines, manuals, and online resources tailored to the Indian context.
  5. Collaboration and Exchange: Foster national and international collaborations for faculty development and knowledge exchange.
  6. Research Integration: Encourage fellows to participate in clinical and translational research, focusing on improving outcomes and addressing local challenges in liver transplantation.
  7. Quality Assurance: Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of educational initiatives through regular feedback and outcome-based assessments.

Ongoing Programs and Activities:

  1. Liver Transplant Surgery Fellowship (Duration: 2 years)
  2. Liver Transplant Anesthesia and Critical Care Fellowship (Duration: 1 year/2 years)
  3. Transplant Hepatology Fellowship (Duration: 1 year)
  4. LTSI sponsored short-term surgical fellowship for practicing surgeons (4 fellows per year, Duration: 6-8 weeks)
  5. LTSI Inland Liver Transplant Observership for aspiring liver transplant surgeons and transplant Hepatologist (Duration: 2 weeks). For applying please click
  6. Basic Surgical transplant skill course (Multiorgan retrieval, benching and vascular skills)
  7. Advanced Surgical skill course (Safe explant and implant on Animal model)


  1. Dr. Abhideep Chaudhary (Chair)
  2. Dr. Prashant Bhangui
  3. Dr Chirag Desai
  4. Dr. Aditya Nanavati
  5. Dr. Arun Valsan
  6. Dr. Dinesh Jothimani
  7. Dr. Selvakumar Malleeshwaran
  8. Dr. Ankur Gupta
  9. Dr. PremKumar R